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Mindfulness enhancing activities in 2025

for teens and the ‘young at heart’


Dare to experience your world differently



active mind

Activities to move you out of automatic-pilot state and into direct awareness of your sensations, perceptions, thoughts and actions.

These activities prepare you for the bare awareness ‘Sati’ aspect of Buddhist Insight Meditation.

They are suitable for teens and the curious mature seeker.

You can do a single session or you can bring a group of friends at times convenient for you.
Alternatively, you an do a series of sessions with different activities in each.




Mindfulness enhancing activities

These activities are suitable for English speaking teens and adventurous adults
who wish to get a comprehensive grounding in Buddhist Sati meditation practice (often translated as 'mindfulness' practice).


“The whole moon and the entire sky are reflected in one dewdrop on the grass.”  Dogen

Traditional Buddhist Insight meditation (also called Vipassana) combines heightened concentration with authentic direct awareness of the stream of present moments. Although it dates from over 2,500 years ago, the practice
of Vipassana meditation is timeless and exquisitely relevant to
the intelligent seeker of today.


Mindfulness enhancing activities are suitable as preparation for the more formal
Insight meditation (Vipassana) and can be enjoyed by teens as well as adults.



Wednesday, Thursday or Friday morning sessions
usually from 10 am – 1 pm


by appointment only


A formal email application is needed at least 3 days
before the date you would like to do a session.





    Some of the activities in these sessions

    Blind Man’s Kim’s Game

    Carrot slice concentration

    Black plastic numbness

    Shower in darkness



    An example of an activity


    Roll a sheet of paper into a ball.
    Throw it high up into the air just in
    front of you.
    Catch the ball as it is falling.

    At the moment that you caught the ball,
    which part of your hand made contact
    with the paper first?




By appointment

You can choose to do a single session or book a series of sessions. Bring your friends for special rates.


Course fees for single sessions


3 hours 2,000 Baht

2 people     

3 hours 1,250 Baht each

3 or 4 people   

3 hours 1,000 Baht each

5 or 6 people   

3 hours 900 Baht each



Mindfulness is the aware, balanced acceptance of the present experience.
It isn't more complicated than that. It is opening to or receiving the present moment,
pleasant or unpleasant, just as it is, without either clinging to it or rejecting it.

Sylvia Boorstein


If you wish to apply, please email
stating which course you would like to join and its date.

Please give your name and surname, your expected address in Thailand,
your email address, mobile phone number or landline number,
your occupation, age and details of any previous meditation experience.

Please contact the House of Dhamma by email at least 72 hours in advance.


For a map to the House of Dhamma, please see



About the instructor

The course will be led by Acharn Helen Jandamit
(formerly Rev. Saddharma)

Acharn Helen is a Vipassana acharn, an author, a visual artist, an editor and frequency healer. British born, she has lived in Thailand for more than 40 years bringing up her family and sharing her extensive experience and knowledge of traditional Buddhist Vipassana Meditation.

She was ordained with the Mook Rim Society (Korean Zen) for eleven years and now works as a spiritual independent running workshops and courses at The House of Dhamma. She worked with Mahachulalongkorn Buddhist University - MCU. and the Young Buddhists Association of Thailand – YBAT for many years. On invitation, she has travelled to run courses and retreats in Austria, Australia and the USA.

In 2002, on the occasion of International Women’s Day,
she was honoured as
the Foremost Western Woman Meditation Master in South-east Asia.



Acharn Helen Jandamit at a retreat held at the YBAT centre in Pathum Thani



For more information email:

Phone 02 511-0439
(e-mail is better)