Discover your
This workshop helps you intuitively recognize your soul crystal, the crystal for your body, the crystal for your intellect and the crystal for your spirit. By request only Weekdays 10.00 am - 12.30 noon
Workshop fees
3,000 baht for an individual and 2,000 baht per person for groups of 2 - 4 people.

Most people know that crystals are beautiful and that they can be
used to make stunning jewellery.
Fewer people know that crystals
can also be used for healing.
When you hold crystals or meditate with them; when
you put them inspecial
areas of your home or
crystal jewellery, you continue
practices which are as old as
humankind. Crystal therapy crossesthe boundaries of religious and spiritual beliefs.
It is no longer viewed as the domain of alternative culture,
but as an acceptable and more mainstream complimentary therapy. Janelle Scialla
Whether you’re seeking out gemstones for their physical beauty or to bring peace and tranquillity into your life,
they all work to increase your vibrational frequency.
If you feel good when you hold a
crystal in your hand or have it
touching your skin, if so you are practising an ancient healing art.
Adapted from
Do you know how to choose crystals, cleanse them and take good care of them? If you
would like to find out, you are welcome to request
this workshop
. If you wish to apply, please email
stating the course you wish to
apply for and some posible dates.
Please give your name and surname,
your expected address in Thailand,
your email address, mobile phone
number or landline number, your occupation and age.
Send e-mail applications at least
5 days before the workshop.
For more information
Phone: + 66 2511-0439 (From outside Thailand) or 02-511-0439 (within Thailand)