Inspiring Images
A contemporary mandala. Sold
Most of the paintings on this page are oil paintings but some are acrylic pours.
Metta (Loving Kindness) on a world scale.
Cosmic Alignment
One of a pair of paintings that represent the dance of energy
The third of a trilogy representing three dimensions of enlightenment.
This is the trilogy. From left to right: 1. An enhanced intellect-transcending communion among the peoples of the world (as well as on a personal level): 2. An expression of the radiation of Loving Kindness to all living beings: 3. Transcendent release from limitations of all kinds and an emergence from the cosmic crysallis.
'Triality' an exhibition of paintings
Acryllic pours
Swirling waters
The paint is poured on a wet canvas and allowed to flow wherever it will.
Dancing gold
Handcrafted bookmarks
Handmade Inspirational cards |
A brief Bio
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For more information
Phone: + 66 2511-0439 (From outside Thailand) or 02-511-0439 (within Thailand)