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Buddhist Vipassana (Insight) Meditation
Introductory Courses in 2025



Insight Meditation (Vipassana)
Introductory Courses
for 2025

Held on 2 consecutive days from 10.00 am
to about 4.00 pm

Group size 2 - 4 participants


Course content

Participants will be given a theoretical background to Samatha (Concentration) meditation and shown how it differs from Insight meditation (Concentration and mindfulness-based meditation.)

You will be shown how meditation forms an integral part of 'Bhavana' mental development and how it relates to the Noble Eightfold Path.

You will gradually be guided through exercises to improve your concentration and bare awareness "sati" these include standing, walking, sitting and lying down exercises.

There will also be feedback sessions (Sorb arom), mindfulness activities, Dhamma talks and discussions.

Courses will be led by
Acharn Helen Jandamit


These courses are highly recommended for those
who wishto practise Buddhist Insight (Vipassana) meditation.


Introductory courses differ
from retreats in these ways:

They provide ongoing feedback in an interactive and personal way.

Instruction is in English.

Courses are not silent throughout.

Questions about the practice are welcome.

Teachers understand that the participants' life experiences are different and that each person is wonderfully unique.

Whilst participants are given a brief explanation of basic Buddhist ritual, participation is optional.

The shrine room is air-conditioned
or fan-cooled if preferred.
Both chairs and mats are provided.

Follow-up guidance is available


Course fees

8,000 baht per person for small group courses (2 – 4 people) at times arranged for you or on scheduled dates.

9,000 baht for a course set up for an individual on a date that is either outside or on one of the scheduled dates.

The course book is 100 baht

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* Applications in writing must be received by e-mail at least
5 days before the start of the course.

* Instruction will be in English although meditation reports
can be conducted either in Thai or in English.

* Participants should be in good health and will
normally be over 18 years old.

* It is not necessary to be a Buddhist to attend but
openness to Thai Buddhist culture is important.

* Meditators should wear comfortable, conservative clothing
in light colours such as white or cream.

* The meditation room is air-conditioned,
so you may need a sweater or a shawl.

* Coffee, tea and soft drinks are available.

* There are many foodshops and coffee sellers
within easy walking distance.

* Note: Accommodation is not available at the House of Dhamma
but a list of nearby, reasonably priced hotels, guesthouses
and hostels is available on request.



To apply


Applications must be received at least 4 days
before the start of the course you wish to attend.
If you wish to apply, please email
stating which course you wish to apply for and its date.

Please give your name and surname,
your expected address in Thailand,
your email address, mobile phone or landline number,
nationality, occupation, age and
details of any previous meditation experience.


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For more information

Email: recommended

Phone: + 66 2511-0439 (From outside Thailand) or 02-511-0439 (within Thailand)